Better Than a $700bn Bail Out

Today the Teenage Bible Class that meets at Ballingry Gospel Hall (4.30pm every Sunday during Fife School term time) helped me to write this blog entry. Thanks guys! The latest news from Washington appears to be that the US government is going to get approval from Congress to progress with their plan to redeem $700bn of bad debt from troubled banks. For most of last week global stock-markets have been in turmoil trying to guess Read more…

A 2000 Year Old Concept

As appears to be becoming a regular event, Radio 4 has provided me with my stimulus for writing this morning. Apparently, the Church of England is seeking to get people to come back to church by advertising in programmes at football matches. An advertising expert was asked his opinion on how to run a succesful campaign with this objective (he didn’t think much of the CoE advert!). He said that adverts should not mention God Read more…

Spending Time With The Family

I have to say, I have felt a bit sorry for Gordon Brown recently. It seems that no matter what he does, someone is on hand to take the gloss off his latest announcement or to interpret a current bit of news in a negative way. Today it was Ruth Kelly’s announcement that she wants ‘to spend more time with her family’. This has become such a cliché in political circles that it appears that Read more…

One Way!

I have just heard Peter Atkins, Oxford Professor of Chemistry,  on the ‘Sunday’ programme on Radio 4. I could not believe the fundamentalist views expressed by this very intelligent man. He said, in the strongest of terms, that ‘religious’ people had absolutely no place in the study of science as they were interested only in ‘obfuscation’ whereas science was solely concerned with observable, verifiable facts. The claim that made me jump up and go and Read more…

And What Do You Do?

The news media this morning is totally taken up with the spectacular collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers. While driving home this evening I heard one poor lady being interviewed. She had just been told that she had lost her job and she could hardly speak through the tears. For those of us in full-time employment, our job is a vital part of our life and constitutes much of how we see ourselves. It Read more…


The Christians who meet at the Gospel Hall in Ballingry are still coming down from a wonderful meeting last night at which two teenagers were baptised. Perhaps some of you are surprised that it was teenagers who were being baptised rather than babies. At the meeting we were reminded that it was the Lord Jesus who said “Go … and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and Read more…

The A-Z

One evening in 1935 the artist Phyllis Pearsall got lost in London and decided that she needed to invent a new kind of map. Personally walking over 3000 miles around the City the eventual result was the London A-Z a concept now copied for major cities all over the world. The idea is simple – every street is indexed by its initial letter from the beginning to the end of the alphabet. This concept of completeness Read more…

A New Start

Here we are with a new venture for SNTG! With a little difficulty our new blog is up and running. As ever with SNTG we will try to keep things up to date, but we are a small team and it is unlikely that we will be posting something every day. The idea for this blog is to have an easy way to upload short gospel messages that can be read in a few minutes. Read more…